For the last several weeks, I have been busy with helping to mark trails for the Hooves and Company upcoming Endurance Ride . It's an area that is all new to us to host a ride at. For our small crew, it's been a tremendous effort, with still alot more work to do. We have spent hours riding, driving, hiking and biking to find trails that are suitable. It's beautiful country. If you haven't been to this area (Northwest Montana) for a ride or have been and ridden at our past location (Herron Park), mark this ride down and plan to attend. You won't be disappointed. The picture above was taken near the Vet check area...
This looks like a really good ride! I do wish sometimes I was over there, although we do have good stuff here. However, over here we have a rather funny type of belief, that endurance riding is to be done without any hills, rivers or rough ground? I am serious here! Its the trophy`s that people are after, and the points!
I really dont think that Endurance here in the UK,is as it should be. Rivers hills and other terrain changes,are vital for Endurance.
Cheyenne- Rest assured-endurance riders here in the US also share that sentiment to avoid more challenging terrain, and feel it's all about speed. I think it should be more of a challenge because not every horse can do this sport. Most of my training has hills and technical footing, can't avoid it in Montana however this ride has minimal elevation climbs. It should keep everyone happy!
It looks beautiful - wish I could come ride! and no, endurance is not about speed. Challenging terrain and technical trails are what endurance is all about.
Which is right. : )
- The Equestrian Vagabond
That looks like a lovely ride, Jonna! I've definitely put it on the "I wanna go someday" list. I am so smug about taking up the sport of endurance - I have picked a sport where I get to spend days with my horse in the prettiest parts of North America! What could be better?
I think the FEI-type rides - fast and flat - are pretty boring. I hope the technical riders continue to outnumber the racers and our rides stay varied and scenic.
Your making me homesick! I've been on & off following your blog for awhile now & have enjoyed it very much. We lived in Troy MT. northish of Thompson Falls for 13 tears. We are now in Nevada. Big change! We miss that area so much. Looks like it will be a great ride.
@ Merri- I should clarify- I realize not all Endurance riders are like that.. but I was going off some of the feedback we have had in years past with our herron Park ride...this ride has a little of everything..
@Funder-We are hoping (fingers crossed) that we can use this sight for years to come.. I hope you can make it someday if we do
@ Dale and Theresa- Hi there- thanks for stopping by . So you probably used to ride this area and are quite familiar with it.. it is beautiful (atleast this time of year!)
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