Merry Christmas to all of you.
I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who read my ramblings, of which I have not been very good at these days.I will work on it, I promise. But you should all know. There are many days that just seeing your responses makes my day, just knowing that some of you read what I actually write. It's hard to believe but I am very grateful. Writing this blog allows me to connect to others in this large world that I wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to do.. so thank you.
Since I was late for Christmas, I may as well be early for the next holiday.
Happy New Year !!
I know, I know, 2011 isn’t quite here yet but I am really looking forward to a new start. Heaven knows I need one.
2010 was one of the roughest years I can recall. It was a year of many stressors. It had a few high spots like completing Maggie’s first limited distance but overall, 2010 was a year of big challenges for me. Everything from health issues with family and friends, divorces, deaths, injured horses, expensive vehicle repairs and just when I thought I had reached a point where the year's misgivings couldn't possibly get any more difficult, it did just that.
I found myself faced with having to say goodbye to my best friend of over 12 years, my dog Munci. On December 23rd I had to make the devastating decision to say goodbye to Munci. He had developed cancer and by the time we saw any symptoms, the cancer had metastasized into his lungs. There was nothing we could do except keep him as comfortable as possible, give him lots of love, pray for a miracle and wait. Prayers are often answered in ways that you don’t always understand. My prayer was for Munci to make a miraculous recovery so we could have more time but most of all, my prayer for him was not to suffer. I didn’t get the first part of that prayer answered but the second part was. It was only a period of 5 days from the time we learned of the cancer before Munci and I had to part our ways. It will take some time to adjust to the silence that remains after a dog is no longer there in your home anymore.
Looking back at 2010 , I have to believe there is some other force out there that explains why so many difficult times ensued in 2010 for me. Maybe 2011, I get a clean slate. Atleast that is what I am hoping for.
Usually this time of year, I begin putting together a plan for training and conditioning for endurance, getting ready for at least one ride. Unfortunately, Hooves and Company, the local distance riders group I am part of, won’t be putting on a local ride like they (we) normally would. That means that I won't have access to a local ride in 2011. That really stinks butat this point, I am not going to stress about it.
Instead, my plan is pretty simple… just ride, as often as I can, as long as I can. JB will need many hours of rebuilding, mentally and physically. Maggie just needs many hours period. If a ride works out that I can attend, great, even if I have to travel. If not, I can still ride and log miles. I am planning a few weekend horse camping trips with friends. I am just looking forward to a summer of good times spent with good friends and good horses.
There are other things in store for 2011 at Acer Farms as well.
Stay tuned and once again, thank you for reads Barbs Etc.
I'm so sorry for you loss. Losing a beloved pet is so hard, and such an empty spot. Hugs. ~E.G.
So sorry Jonna :( I believe 2011 will be a new start for you and your family. I can't wait to hear about your first ride back on JB. Enjoy the rest of the winter relaxing and recharging for the spring and summer, it will be a good one!
I'm so sorry you lost your Munci to cancer.
I have checked in on your blog from time to time to keep up with JB's healing. His story touched my heart. I have been through horse tragedies, and I know how harrowing and consuming it is. I have a lot of sympathy and respect for what you've been through, and I wish you the best. May 2011 be a much better year for you.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I know exactly what you mean about adjusting to the quiet when a dog is no longer with you.
Hoping for a better year ahead for you and your horses. Oh, and if you feel like coming over to WA for a ride (I know its quite a ways from MT, but...) I really enjoyed the Mt. Adams ride last year! Awesome trails and beautiful ride camp. Karen W.
Sorry for your loss. I do understand. Here`s to you, and the next New Year.
Thank you for all of your kind words. Here's to a great 2011!
@Terry-Welcome! Thanks for following and posting! I am happy to report that JB continues to do well.
@Karen- I will check out the MT Adams ride, maybe it's closer than some of the others!
I am sorry for the loss of Munci. May you find some peace in your decision and comfort in your memories.
Have to agree that 2010 was not the best of times... and I'm looking forward to a clean slate, too. Wishing you happy trails and sunny days in the coming year.
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