Monday, June 18, 2012

The Week in Pictures

I was going to do a long post but it just was going to be too painful. There was so much that went on , I just decided a picture is worth a thousand , or more , words...

We loaded horses on Wednesday and headed south for Hamilton , Montana. I rode in my newly fitted saddle at the coolest place called Calf Creek Wildlife Managment area

Just starting out... and climbing up. Some really cool rock formations amongst the sage..It smelled so wonderful ..

Still climbing, a look off to the West and North.. the Bitteroot Range

Maggie can hardly believe she can see so far in the distance.... without trees obscuring the view...

But soon enough we found some lovely forest to hide us from the sun..

Is this really the right way? Look at the ear back listening to me....

Finally headed back down towards the trailer.. what a view...
Xena learned how to get comfortable camping after an intense training session with Bob...the Shutzhund trainer... and his ginormous scary looking male sheperd the size of a small pony...

Maggie had a bath in our friends lovely wash stall(those are knife throwing targets behind her ; in case she acted up... I could distract her...)

"T" doing his favorite sport, Kassai Horseback Archery...

There was probably more but I didn't snap near enough photos. It was a mini vacation filled with activities.  The Specialized saddle is refitted and "appears" to be working but need to do a few more rides yet in it to make sure...Xena and I got to work with a Shutzhund trainer and learned some really helpful skills to manage Xena's Fear aggression and Tom got to train for three days straigh in archery...

Not a bad life...


cheyenne jones said...

Great fun! Got to hand it too you, nice vacation and great country! Pictures good too!

Dom said...

more like the week in gorgeous

Jonna said...

I was blessed with some great scenery... its hard NOT to find that in Montana , especially this time of year!