Once in a while, if you listen closely, you'll here a "whrrr, whrrr, whrrr" sounds coming from the paddocks these days. I've never been able to sneak up without being caught in the past, but the other afternoon, JB must have been exeptionally tired because I was able to snap a few shots of him during his afternoon siesta. I couldn't resist, just take a look at the photo's below. He was even smiling in his sleep.(atleast it looks like it!)
Ever wonder what a horses dreams are made of? I think I know what JB was dreaming of in this one, his legs were twitching and moving, and I suspect he was dreaming of the day when he can run with his herd once again.
Patience grasshopper, soon you will be set free to run again. In the meantime, rest up kiddo...

He finally got up about 10 minutes later and I snapped this shot..he still looks sleepy!

You can see his front right pastern in which he had surgery. He is bearing full weight on it now but will occasionally hold the knee a bit buckled. This is lessening over time.
I often find my horses atanding, lying, and snoring!
I'm glad to see that he's doing much better. After all that time in the cast maybe he just needed some relax time?thshing
Looking good! I'm so glad he's doing well. Karen W.
I think he's looking really good!
He is a lovely boy Jonna. So glad he is on the mend.
Those pictures are great! Especially the one of him standing with full weight on both fronts :) I am so glad that he is healing.
yay! glad he's doing better!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
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